Proviron – Mesterolone 25mg/50tabs – Apoxar “LIMITED SUPPLY”


Proviron, aka Mesterolone, is a unique supportive compound for a variety of bodybuilding purposes:

  • Suppresses SHBG to give other gear in the stack a major boost;
  • Improves muscle density and hardness, does not bloat you;
  • Boosts your libido to counter erection issues that can occur with other steroids;
  • Counters the mental side effects and acts as a weak antidepressant;
  • All of it — as the guaranteed effects because of the Apoxar pharm-grade quality.

Proviron barely can act as a centerpiece of your steroid cycle, but it’s a perfect addition that will make your cycle (with more powerful anabolics) more effective, safe, and comfortable.