HGH-176-191 (Fat Loss) 5mg – Apoxar


Peptide HGH-176-191 is used by those who struggle to lose weight in the traditional ways. There are a lot of controversial opinions about this drug: some say that it helps in fighting with atrophy of adrenoreceptors in adipose tissue, some that it doesn`t work this way. Despite these disputes we are sure that the drug WORKS as a good way to lose weight.

Here is what is can also give you:

  • increased muscle mass;
  • Stimulates the IGF-1 production process;
  • Fast action without side effects;
  • Increased energy for better workouts;
  • Body rejuvenation.

HGH-176-191 is relatively cheap and it is easy to fake it. There are dozens of fake copies on the market made by malicious sellers and underground labs to gain money from desperate people. We are nothing like that. HGH-176-191 Apoxar is the purest compound on the market, we have a certificate from an independent lab that can prove it. We took care of your health and our reputation and never tried to fake components or sell something else instead of ordered compounds.