Masteron (Drostanolone) Enanthate 200mg/ml – Apoxar


Masteron Enanthate, or Mastenex as an Apoxar brand name, is a golden classic of the anabolic steroid world. It’s perfect for all sorts of bodybuilding goals and aims:

  • Need more muscles? Masteron can give you lean gains;
  • Need to get ripped? Masteron can dry your physique out;
  • Need to lose more body fat and get a more detailed look? Masteron can boost the lipolytic processes;
  • Need to boost your stack of other steroids but avoid extra side effects? Masteron is perfectly synergetic;
  • Afraid of getting a bunk or underdosed gear? Apoxar’s premium quality and 3rd party lab tests guarantee the authenticity of the compound.